What will happen with SLCP if Better Work can’t do in-person assessments due to Covid-19?
Better Work has adopted a global Covid-19 Factory Service model that is applicable until 31 December 2021, and possibly longer, contingent on the evolution of the pandemic. Where national regulations and factory conditions allow, Better Work will continue to offer assessments, although the focus and mode of delivery may vary depending on what is possible and appropriate. Under exceptional circumstances, when Better Work staff cannot travel to factories for extended periods of time, Virtual Compliance Checks (VCCs) will be utilized. VCCs include a subset of questions from each compliance cluster, selected Core Labour standards and Covid-19 related questions where remote data collection and triangulation is possible. VCCs will be done in conjunction with advisory services and worker engagement tools to ensure triangulation of issues and to support factories in addressing them through continuous improvement and social dialogue.
A Covid-19 risk mitigation strategy is being developed to ensure continuity of the SLCP roll-out during the pandemic. BW is exploring with SLCP the extent to which data from virtual compliance checks can be paired with self-assessments.