What type of data will be collected during the Better Work assessment and how will it differ from what has previously been collected during a Better Work assessment?
BW will continue to collect the same information and will keep its current process and
approach intact. Step 1 of the SLCP Data Collection Tool covers all the areas (both
compliance and basic information) covered in Better Work’s existing Compliance
Assessment Tool. At a technical level, changes have been made to Better Work’s Tool to
support data sharing. Some questions have been worded slightly differently; some questions
have been broken down into more granular data points for enhanced data usability by SLCP,
partner brands, constituents and other actors. In this current version of the Tool, Better Work
will collect some additional data in relation to national labor laws or social dialogue and
management systems that are not yet accommodated in the SLCP Tool. This data will be
available on Better Work advisory reports and will be mapped and included in the next
iteration of the Tool.