What is the Better Work Virtual Compliance Check (VCC)?

What is the Better Work Virtual Compliance Check (VCC)?

As an International Labour Organization (ILO) programme, Better Work assesses compliance
with International Labour Standards, national labour laws and other national/international
instruments as agreed to with national constituents. In places where Better Work cannot
travel to factories for extended periods of time in context of the Covid-19-pandemic, Virtual
Compliance Checks (VCCs) will be utilised. VCC data collection is focused on a subset of
questions from each compliance cluster, including national labour laws and International
Labour Standards, issues subject to public reporting on Better Work’s Transparency Portal,
and Covid-19 related questions.
The self-assessment data in Step 1 outside the scope of the VCC and self-assessment data in
Step 2 and Step 3 has neither been assessed nor verified by Better Work. SLCP considers
these self-assessed data points as “accurate” and enhanced self-assessment data, due to the
close engagement between Better Work and the Factory, and the regular interactions to
facilitate social dialogue between workers and management.
The data submitted by Better Work is not a verification of the factory’s SLCP selfassessment. The data received by SLCP contains self-assessment data, in addition to data
from a Better Work unannounced assessment of Step 1 collected through virtual means,
which has been implemented in line with Better Work’s assessment approach and protocols
under the ILO. SLCP considers Better Work VCC data as equivalent to SLCP verified data.
Following the assessment of Step 1, Better Work continues to provide advisory and training
services to the factory to support remediation and continuous improvement through a process
of social dialogue within a bipartite committee of workers and managers overseeing
compliance. Any new issues found in these engagements will be shared with the bipartite
committee and be reflected on Better Work improvement plans through the online Portal.