

Exist four types of questionnaires in the system, those are:

  1. CAT: Questions created by BetterWork, this kind of questionnaire could be done virtually, on-site or hybrid.
  2. SLCP: Based on SLCP questionnaire, with overlay data about compliance from BetterWork on top of it.
  3. SLCP + CAT: Mix between the SLCP questions and the CAT questions.
  4. VCC:  Virtual assessment, based on SLCP with some CAT questions.


Workflow of the questionnaires:

  1. The Factory answer the questions (This answer are information only for the system).
  2. The enterprise advisor answers the questions. Just in case the answers can be overwritten but needs a justification.
  3. When all the questionnaire is answered, this will be locked.
  4. Go to reporting.