How to Start a Self-Assessment in the Factory Module?

How to Start a Self-Assessment in the Factory Module?

After BW has activated the service cycle on the BW platform, the factory manager can initiate the self-assessment.

Factories supplying to an SLCP signatory are required by the brand and SLCP to complete a self-assessment. BW is allowing self-assessments to be completed on the BW platform to support factories in meeting this requirement, although it is not a requirement for Better Work.

Better Work encourages and facilitates the bipartite committee to take leadership in filling in the SLCP self-assessment so that it represents the joint views of workers and managers, with a focus on key questions on OSH, social dialogue, industrial relations and grievance systems, and on ensuring worker perspectives are incorporated. Questions that should be prioritized for bipartite dialogue are highlighted on the BW platform.

The designated BW enterprise advisor supports bipartite committees by building their capacity and facilitating social dialogue between management and worker representatives so they are able to jointly review self-assessment questions before the Factory Manager populates these on the platform.

Following the self-assessment and BW compliance assessment, BW continues to support the bipartite committee in managing improvement and remediation plans to address non-compliance issues.

To populate the self-assessment on the BW platform, the Factory Manager goes to the Assessments section on the left hand side and selects the cycle that has been created by BW.

Click on the current cycle. You will see all the sections you need to complete in order to fulfill the assessment.

A list of sections will be displayed. Each section is composed of subsections.

The Factory Manager can click on a section and decide which subsection to edit. Inside the subsection, they can address all the questions. Answer and submit each question one by one.

The system will allow the Factory Manager to add comments (optional) before submitting them. Whenever submitting an answer, the platform will automatically direct the Factory Manager to the next question until every subsection of all sections has been covered.

Every time the Factory Manager clicks on a question, the page will display the question title and two fields: one for the answer and one for additional comments.

The Factory Manager should answer the question, if necessary, provide a comment, and click on Submit.

When a valid answer is provided, the Submit button becomes green and the page will load the next question.