How can I as a Better Work factory share data from the Better Work assessment with other business partners via SLCP?

How can I as a Better Work factory share data from the Better Work assessment with other business partners via SLCP?

If a factory wants to share data from the Better Work assessment, it must link with the
Gateway on the Better Work platform and complete the SLCP self-assessment on the Better
Work platform before the unannounced Better Work assessment takes place. Once the factory
has created its profile on the Gateway and their unannounced assessment has been completed,
Better Work enrolled factories can share the data with their business partners through the
standard Gateway mechanisms:

  • Directly share a link via email from the Gateway
  • Share to an Accredited Host

The factory must contact the Better Work country programme at the start of their service
cycle (before the unannounced assessment takes place) to request that a link is established
between the Better Work platform and the Gateway.