As soon as Better Work has set up the registration of the factory for a new cycle in its platform, the Factory Manager will receive an email from Better Work with a link to set up an account for your factory in the Better Work platform. They should ...
After login into the assessment module, navigate to the factory profile of the affected factory and insert the SLCP Gateway ID in the corresponding field.
Better Work and SLCP’s have found common ground in promoting credible and actionable data to be shared between a broad range of industry actors. Better Work and SLCP have collaborated on the development of the Tool v1.4, the Law Overlay and ...
Throughout 2020, ILO-BW and SLCP collaborated to review and update Step 1 of the Tool under the Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) v1.4. As a result of this process, and pending approval from their constituents, Better Work will use the Step 1 of ...
SLCP will launch the CAF v1.4 in all of the non-Better Work countries where the CAF v1.3 was available at the end of March 2021. At the same time, SLCP will launch operations in approximately twenty additional countries. For a list of countries where ...